
County Commissioner Setting the Record Straight regarding Mesa County Clerk Office Closures

Sometimes you just have to set the record straight.  After a long time of silence on this issue that has misled citizens in Mesa County I'm grateful that Rose Pugliese has stepped up to correct the "record" . County employees and citizens alike have been told that the reason 2 county offices were closed were due to budget restraints and the fault of the Commissioners. Enough is enough, please fact check for yourself. All the County Commissioners proceedings are recorded. Here is what the local newspaper was told and below is the truth. You decide... "It is always so  easy to blame the Commissioners. Let's set the record straight. The Clerk and Recorder did not take an additional 5% budget cut. As I recall, she had excess unanticipated revenue come in from the State. I do know no additional ...

Real Talk interviews Tina Peters running for Clerk and Rexorder


Tina Peters Clerk and Recorder


Why Tina Peters For Clerk and Recorder?
